I charge twenty dollars an hour plus out-of-pocket expenses. 我每小时收取20美元,另加垫付的现金开支。
Out-of-pocket expenses, ie money that one has spent ( and which will be reimbursed, eg by one's employer) 已支付的开销(可报销的,如由雇主发还)。
I'm talking about the families I've met whose spiraling premiums and out-of-pocket expenses are pushing them into bankruptcy or forcing them to go without the check-ups or prescriptions they need. 我说的是我曾走访过的家庭,每年不断上涨的保险费和白花钱的支出要么让他们走向崩溃,要么让他们无钱体检或者无钱买需要的处方药。
Howard: Why not? Shouldn't my meals be out-of-pocket expenses? 霍华德:为什么不行?我吃饭不是应该可以实报实销吗?
Shouldn't my meals be out-of-pocket expenses? 我吃饭不是应该可以实报实销吗?
He had to travel to California, and the out-of-pocket expenses to over$ 400. 他必须到加利福尼亚去,旅差费答四百多美元。
However, the estimated share of household out-of-pocket expenses in total health spending is one of the highest in the world, with more than US$ 40 billion spent. 然而,家庭自费付款在卫生开支总额中所占估计比率为世界上最高之一,支出额达400亿美元以上。
The foregoing charges to be in addition to such out-of-pocket expenses as may be authorized at the time by the official receiver or trustee. 以上各项收费是破产管理署署长或受托人当时授权的现金付款开支以外的收费。